Friday, May 22, 2009

A fight...

Had a fight today..didnt hit him or anything, but I bashed my head all of the place and I bashed the walls with my fists..cried endlessly, all while He ignored me. I just dont know when the ignoring will ever stop. Or if it ever will stop, it might just go on forever, wouldnt that be nice?

I had to take my math test at school today in the schools testing center because I wont be here when the test is taken by everyone else. I will be at my grandmas house in Tennessee. I totally bomed the test. Not only was I upset and stressed out because he was fighting with me, I didnt know the material as well as I should have. I think we can drop one test grade, I'm guessing. So, this will definitly be the one I drop.

Tonight we have a meetup at a hockey bar with our hockey group to watch the Red Wings game..dont know what else we are doing this weekend. We will have to see.

Until next time..