Thursday, December 17, 2009

Borderline Moments

I guess I am having somewhat of a "Borderline moment," or whatever..

I am really looking forward to the holidays with my family. Me and my boyfriend are driving up to Michigan Saturday. I am excited, but I feel like me and my family will just fight at some point. Especially me and my step-dad. I like the guy, I do. I really have nothing against him at all. But, he hates me. Ever since he met my mom, he has seriously had it out for me. He blames me for things, and he just treats me like garbage.

I am going to be the bigger person and be nice to him, but if he ignores me or feels like treating me badly, I am going to say something about it. I know my mom will be upset, because she will think I am trying to "ruin christmas." But, that is not what I am trying to do. I have self respect and I am so sick of people like my step dad who think they can treat me badly and blame me for everything and that everyone will take his side for it. So, I am going to stick up for myself for once with him.

Besides that, things are going okay. I have been a little down lately because I graduated my DBT class, and you would think that would be a good thing, but it really isnt. Even thought I went to 90 percent of the meetings, I didnt really pay attention to the class because I was so damn anxious. But, I do have the folder and I am going to focus on DBT skills and mastering them other than individualizing what I need to do differently, so hopefully that helps me out. I really just want the DBT skills to help my anger, anxiety, and jealousy problems..

Today I feel like being lazy, but I am allowed because school doesnt start for another three weeks!!